Saturday, 2 July 2011


Pakistan is an south-Asian country, the importance of Pakistan in the world is unique because of being a close-neighbour to middle-east, having a common border with China, India, Iran, Afghanistan and less than one kilometre distance from central Asian state of Uzbekistan. Pakistan exists the north of equator and east of the prime meridian, so it can grow four season crops. It also provides a sea port in Sind to all of the other land locked countries. Because china and Pakistan share a common border, china provides Pakistan with Chinese industrial products. Bridge between South Asia and South West Asia; Iran and Afghanistan are energy abundant while India and China are lacking of. China finds way to Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea through Karakorum. Agriculture is very important for Pakistan. It helps the country in the development of economy. Every country has a vast land, which is used for agriculture. Pakistan is also an agricultural country. Its total area is 7, 96,096 square kilometres. 70% of our total population is living in the villages. The major source of their living is agriculture. Agriculture employed 66% of the total workforce in 1950-51 but by 1999-2000. This figure dropped to 47.3%. This shows that people are now not interested in farming. They are doing jobs in industry and other fields.

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