Saturday, 2 July 2011


According to a report by the International Narcotics Control Board, Pakistan is one of the top drug user countries, with nearly five million drug addicts. It is shocking.

The report shows that the use of drug and narcotics in Pakistan grows at an alarming rate of seven per cent annually, which means we have seven more for every hundred drug addicts each passing year.
Numerically, it is 350,000 new drug addicts in addition to the old ones that we will have in our streets, open grounds, on heaps of garbage, railway platforms and in roadside dens and deep grottos, which will ultimately be their new abodes at the end of this year.
The Initiator Human Development Foundation on April 25, 2008, completed a survey on street children of Karachi and surprised the audience by declaring that 92 per cent of street children took different kinds of drugs. Pakistan is also a major exporter of heroin and in fact, approximately fifty tons of opium is illegally brought into Pakistan to produce heroin. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and even Sri Lanka are confronted with drug-related issues where a good number of people are addicted to various forms of drugs. Can anybody dare ask our Anti-Narcotics Force and the police department how these unfortunate and socially ignored people easily get these illicit drugs in the shape of marijuana, morphine, opium, cocaine and heroin.

Drug abuse Is usually caused by depression or just sadness. Most teenagers who use them go through emotional abuse at home or at school. I’m not saying drugs are good but I don’t judge them because I know they’re doing it for a reason. Drugs sometimes make the pain go away. That why so many people do weed because they know it causes less damage then cigarette’s but it still helps the pain go away

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