Tuesday, 12 July 2011

pakistan ready 4 3G ?

Cellular technology has changed considerably in the last decade, transforming the cell phone from a rich man’s tool to a common man’s necessity. Now that mobile network operators are increasingly looking beyond plain vanilla ‘voice’ and moving towards providing faster data and information access via cell phones, the next stage in this evolution is 3G.
Simply put, 3G is the third generation of wireless technologies. Unlike previous technologies, 3G offers high speed data transmission and advanced multimedia access. By using 3G, mobile subscribers will be able to surf the internet at higher speeds and make video calls (among other things) while on the move; governments can use the same technology to provide wider access to healthcare and education; thus the possibilities are enormous.

There are no benchmarks available to determine whether a country is ready for 3G or not. The technological evolution is inevitable but the degree of success depends on how the above variables pan out. In my opinion, Pakistan may be ready for 3G on some fronts but not on others, although it is only a matter of time before the technology is introduced. However, it is extremely important that the PTA does not see this opportunity as merely a money making proposition. It has to be a win-win situation for all three stakeholders (PTA, telecom operators and consumers). Like businesses, technologies have their lifecycles and the critical question for telecom operators is how much incremental revenue 3G will bring in relation to the amount of investment required to make it work. The PTA will have to take into account the opinion of all the stakeholders before determining the timeframe for issuing 3G licenses, and based on the current market and economic dynamics, this can wait for at least another two years.

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